Interview with Emilia Nina Mazurkiewicz, a therapist who has chosen Recall Healing method and together with her clients she’s looking into the causes of their ailments in their past experiences.
Let’s start from the beginning. What is Recall Healing?
Recall Healing® / Totalna Biologia® (Institute of Waleological Knowledge,, a therapy developed by Dr. Gilbert Renaud, is based on a broad knowledge of psychosomatics.
When did this method begin to be scrutinized?
Probably the greatest revolution happened in the 1950s, when Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a surgeon, discovered close relation between emotional events experienced by patients, their diagnosed diseases and the changes known as „Hamer’s outbreaks”, which were seen on the brain scans. This has led to the observation that when strong, traumatic emotions are not externally released (e. g. through crying and forgiveness), they accumulate in the subconsciousness, which finds an appropriate place for them to be „stored” in the body, thus manifesting them in the form of unpleasant physical or mental ailments.
After many years of research and therapy, a great deal of knowledge has been gathered about the individual biological and symbolic significance of the diseases, organs and body parts, which allows us to make efforts to reverse this effect so that by finding and reworking the emotions connected with the ailment, we can support the body during the healing process.
This sounds like quantum theory.
I realise that all of this sounds complicated, but when you understand the patterns according to which the brain works, it becomes quite simple. Imagine a situation where our problem becomes so troublesome for us that we can’t sleep or eat, for instance, or we can’t remember how we got home because we were so absorbed with our thoughts. Our brain perceives this as a hazard, a threat to life, and because life is the most important of all, our mind looks for a solution. Since it couldn’t find it outside, the only thing that it has direct influence on is our own body, so it introduces adequate changes. It’s as if our brain thought that it could help us to continue our lives safely through ailments. And now our task, I mean a therapist and a client, is to find the cause, the relevant history, and to rework the emotions connected with it in such a way that the brain reaches the point where its „help” is no longer necessary and the body can start healing, because the problematic issue has been successfully completed.
Why is it so important to know what our mum was experiencing when was pregnant?
With this method of therapy, all information about parents during what we call „Project//Objective” period is of great importance, i. e. what they experienced 9 months before conception, at the time of conception, during entire pregnancy and also during the first 9 months of child’s life.
But what is most important?
I’d say emotions that appear in women, because the child, directly connected to the mother with the umbilical cord, perceives every emotion at the physical and mental level almost like its own (e.g. when adrenaline appears in the mother’s body due to strong stress, it will also reach the baby). Besides, pregnancy is a time when young body develops and accepts everything without question, unwittingly learning patterns that are supposed to help it survive in the future (with the principle „if it works at mom’s, it will work in my case”). Moreover, it even takes on the burdens of the whole body, because the mother has to survive to take care of her child after birth.
Does this knowledge help in therapy?
The source of the conflict can be frequently found „in the mother’s belly” during our sessions, because inside it the programs, blockades or conflicts had been initiated, affecting the client’s past, present and future life or that of his/her child. And the more we are able to learn and transform ourselves, the lighter the unconsciously inherited „luggage” becomes.
Provide me with an example so that I can imagine it.
I think one of the most interesting cases concerns a man who suffered from abdominal rigidity. We called his mother and experienced a touching conversation in which she confessed that she was hit by her husband during her pregnancy in exactly the same place. Of course, she was frightened that something could have happened to her baby, and if the stomach had been harder, it would have provided better protection against possible attacks. Another, more psychological example was a young woman with anaemia. She often found herself in situations in which she unintentionally violated someone’s space and that person in a sudden, quite aggressive way (e. g. by shouting or blackmail) told her that she’d had no right to do so. And since she has always done everything in good faith, these events violated her self-esteem, which has in turn been associated with her ailment. Thanks to the tools used in therapy (e. g. analysis of life lines), we followed the clues to the question: „What did your mother experience during the 6th month of pregnancy?” It turned out that it was a specific time in Poland, when there was curfew in place and it was impossible to leave home without putting yourself at risk. However, the client’s parents did so and ran into a policeman who, insensitive to their explanations, pulled out a gun, put it against the woman’s stomach and ordered them to go back from where they’d come from or otherwise there would be blood. They returned home, frightened, but at the same time happy that they and their child were safe and that they were alive. My client subconsciously attracted such situations, because for her brain the emotions they evoked were a message stating „I feel I’m alive, I feel the danger has been dealt with and everything’s fine”. After the therapeutic work was done, our client became more aware and attentive towards her own actions, and a few weeks after the session her anaemia decreased. As in her parents’ history, everything ended well 🙂
And what about when this child falls ill?
Fortunately, parents are able to support the healing process using this therapy. However, at least until the age of 13 it is their task to undergo therapy themselves, and then, by using methods of influencing subconsciousness, they can begin work with the child so that his or her brain understands that the ailment in his or her body is no longer necessary and the affected organs can regenerate and rebuild themselves naturally. I’ll give you another example. I had the privilege of working with parents of a child who suffered from cancer of the eye early after birth. It was a difficult birth, during which the mother didn’t want her partner in the room because she didn’t want to see her in such a repulsive (in her opinion) state, but at the same time she wanted him to stand by her in such a difficult moment. For the woman it was an extremely traumatic experience, and the brain of the child found a solution – if the father was blind, he could stay in the room and provide the mother with support. And since the brain only affects the body in which it is located, it used its own body organs to help the parents.
It sounds incredible. Many will surely ask whether this method is safe?
Despite its intensity, this is still just a conversation. The therapist’s task is to evoke feelings, often very strong, that contributed to the appearance of something in our lives that we want to deal with, so may not be the most pleasant chat over a cup of coffee, and after the meeting there might be a need for rest and recovery, but not much else. If during a meeting or meetings, the client’s and therapist’s efforts don’t bring the desired effects (this can happen, because it is not magic and there are many factors influencing the course and effect of the therapy), then at least the person will feel emotional improvement because he or she will take some burden off.
This has been perfectly described by one of my clients: „Emilia digs in the same direction until she gets to a logical solution. I recommend it to everyone who wants to do some good for themselves. It’s like a massage for the soul. After the session you feel much better.” And we do what we do to achieve just that – feel better.
What makes Recall Healing® different from other forms of therapy?
There are many different methods, so it’s hard to compare them all. Each therapist has his own ways and before starting work, he sets the rules with each client. However, if we take more traditional psychological sessions as an example, the course of the meeting may vary greatly. First of all, it is the assumption to find the cause and work through it in the shortest possible time of interaction with the client, i.e. during a few sessions only. This requires the therapist to devote a lot of time outside the meetings. At the beginning, a questionnaire filled in by the client and correct diagnosis by the doctor are essential. The obtained information allows for creation of a so-called lifeline, we can analyze the meaning behind the ailments, search for patterns and what could have affected the current condition, afterwards we prepare questions, develop ways of working through emotions, adapting space…
And it’s all about emotions only!
While working with me, it happens that a person not only cries, but sometimes also screams and curses, or tears newspapers in half, or punches a pillow…. Sadness is released differently than anger, so is shame. Going through the process of forgiveness is different for everyone. There is no place for political correctness that must be maintained while working using conventional methods.
What can a client expect then? How should he prepare himself?
I always talk to a potential client before I start working with him. First of all, we establish the principles of the course of action. If a case is not obvious (e. g. cigarette addiction, obesity, emotional blockage), then a proper medical diagnosis of the problem is necessary. I also try to sense whether a person really wants to improve his or her situation and is ready to make an effort and is able trust me. If the customer isn’t completely honest with me, I won’t be able to do my job well. Of course, I understand that it’s difficult to share your secrets, especially those related to strong emotions, but solution usually lies within them. More often than not it is necessary to confront the feelings which we would rather not have (e.g. regret felt towards our mother, humiliation of being raped or hatred on account of harm caused). In addition, our mind plays hide-and-seek with us, because the brain wants to protect its solution, so it is often necessary to make use of provocation. Therefore, the client must be aware that certain actions may be controversial and must yield to them in order to give himself a chance.
And what if we can’t have the knowledge about the course of pregnancy?
In some cases, we don’t need any knowledge at all, and in others we are able to deduce what could have happened in the life of a mother or a father. There are also people who look for information among other family members if they are unable to obtain it from their parents. Much depends on what and who we deal with, and what the client’s determination is.
I can imagine that people are often sceptical about all this.
You can be sceptical about everything, and that’s not so bad at all. If we question something, our mind is put to use and we can make conscious decisions about our lives. But it is also worth having an open mind and realize that not everything in this world is understood, but it doesn’t mean that something doesn’t exist or doesn’t work. Gravity didn’t use to be understood in the past, but yet it exists. One hundred years ago, some diseases were called incurable and now we have no major problem with them. This isn’t magic, nor superstition, this method doesn’t oppose conventional medicine, nor does it prefer any religion or race.
And you don’t have to believe in this method of therapy to give yourself a chance to change your health or consciousness, just as you don’t have to believe in a disease to fall ill.
Can you help yourself?
It is possible, but very difficult. I mentioned that our brain thinks it’s helping us, so it wants to protect what it has created and sabotages any operation aimed at finding the right event in memory and evoking related emotions. It’s hard to fool or provoke yourself, and it’s even harder to confide in yourself or free your emotions without knowing that you haven’t got through them entirely. That’s why I carry out my own „investigation” among my family, write down everything I remember and when I get stuck I go to a therapist. And, of course, I also use medical advice or other forms of pro-health activities.
You are in the process of building your website, and your business card says „Butterfly effect for a better life”. Is there a story behind it?
We are complex and somewhat delicate beings living in a world that is changing dynamically. I firmly believe that the quality of life depends on the things connected with our emotions, thoughts, intimacy, and when we dare to work on and transform ourselves in at least one of these aspects, there a series of changes in other areas will follow. A typical butterfly effect that positively influences everything related to our existence.
Emilia Nina Mazurkiewicz / Facebook /