You have won!
Your long-awaited 10 million Euro. Finally. Admit it, you’ve been dreaming of it all your life! The money is already there, in your account, you look at it every 5 seconds, feeling euphoria and great relief, but also disbelief mixed with impatience. And the fear! Do you know what you are going to do with it?
Let’s take it with a grain of salt…
It must feel wonderful. To be able to afford anything. These shoes, a penthouse, a ring with a diamond as big as a tennis court. You can already see and fell azure ocean water, a few-weeks long holiday in warm countries, all inclusive, drinks with palms and umbrellas. Shopping in Paris, visiting the SPA, whitened teeth, which you can finally afford. And a new, brand new car, straight from the assembly line. And yes, first and foremost – you’re going to quit your job! You can easily live off the interest.
Money isn’t happiness? Nonsense!
First – apartment. You can finally pay back your loan, move into your own house or to a large apartment in the city centre. You will invite an interior designer, a decorator who will match the colours of the curtains to the colour of your new car. At last, you will have the kitchen of your dreams and your own office. It’s high time to get a sauna, a two-door refrigerator, a dressing room and a real Persian carpet.
Second – the body. Caressed with massage, relaxed, smooth, firm, waxed. Corrected, stretched – where it’s needed, of course. However, without exaggeration.
Third – dreams. You fulfil them! The childhood dream of 20 pairs of shoes. The more recent one regarding great teeth. A new high-end PC you’ve been waiting for. It’s finally coming to you!
Fourth – charity. You’ve heard that the rich help the poor. And since you can, you do it too. You find the foundation, you pay in a large amount. Yes, you did a good deed. It’s a nice feeling, somewhat of a relief, because you feel the burden of these millions and you just did something to help the others. You’re not selfish.
Fifth – you invest and save. You are smart, you open an investment account and you live off the interest. Well, unless you’ve already spent everything. In your mind!
But, wait a sec.
It was a bit ironic, a bit malicious even. But the truth is, it’s hard to accept such money, it is also hard to spend it carelessly. You would probably feel guilty that you got something for free. You haven’t earned it, so you don’t deserve it. So many people need support, and you’ve done pretty well thus far, so do you really deserve such a gift from fate? Yes, it can be accompanied by the feeling of guilt that can affect your behaviour and ultimately lead you to squander all that money. Just to feel normal again. To stop thinking that you’re not worthy of such fortune.
Big win is a great burden for the psyche. Everything can change. What to do to not lose the money? How to invest, how to maintain business, how to avoid getting involved in illegal activities? What decisions to make …
And on the other hand – who is a real friend and who is fake? If you won $ 10 million in a lottery, you could begin to wonder what role you play in your group of friends. Do they like you because they always have, or maybe your value starts to be measured by wealth? You think about it, because everyone suddenly appears friendly, perhaps trying to nip off some of the win. Because of blood ties, because of so many adventures experienced together, because they attended your wedding, because you have children of a similar age, because auntie fell ill, and because uncle always gives you money for your birthday … You might stop trusting other people.
Is winning worth all the stress? Is the picture of millions still as appealing as it was a moment ago?
And what would you actually do if you won 10 million Euro? Leave your ideas in the comments, we’re more than curious!